【从零开始学Spring Boot】-17.Spring Boot Starter自定义 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-17.Spring Boot Starter自定义
1.简介1.1 概述 A typical Spring Boot starter contains code to auto-configure and customize the infrastructure of a given tec
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-16.Spring Boot MessageConverter消息转换器 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-16.Spring Boot MessageConverter消息转换器
1.简介1.1 概述 Spring MVC uses the HttpMessageConverter interface to convert HTTP requests and responses. Sensible defaults
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-15.Spring Boot WebFlux路由 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-15.Spring Boot WebFlux路由
1.简介1.1 概述 In WebFlux.fn, an HTTP request is handled with a HandlerFunction: a function that takes ServerRequest and ret
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-14.Spring Boot WebFlux初体验 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-14.Spring Boot WebFlux初体验
1.简介1.1 概述 Spring WebFlux is the new reactive web framework introduced in Spring Framework 5.0. Unlike Spring MVC, it do
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-13.Spring Boot Jpa多数据源 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-13.Spring Boot Jpa多数据源
1.简介1.1 概述在实际项目中一般是一个数据源,但是在某些特殊场景可能需要多个数据源,这里以 spring boot jpa 为例演示一下多数据源的配置和使用。 2.演示环境 JDK 1.8.0_201 Spring Boot 2.2.0
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-12.Spring Boot Mybatis操作数据库 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-12.Spring Boot Mybatis操作数据库
1.简介1.1 概述 The MyBatis-Spring-Boot-Starter help you build quickly MyBatis applications on top of the Spring Boot. By usi
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-11.Spring Boot JdbcTemplate操作数据库 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-11.Spring Boot JdbcTemplate操作数据库
1.简介1.1 概述 This is the central class in the JDBC core package. It simplifies the use of JDBC and helps to avoid common e
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-10.Spring Boot Jpa操作数据库 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-10.Spring Boot Jpa操作数据库
1.简介1.1 概述 The Java Persistence API is a standard technology that lets you “map” objects to relational databases. The sp
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-9.Spring Boot Admin 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-9.Spring Boot Admin
1.简介1.1 概述 Spring Boot Admin is a community project to manage and monitor your Spring Boot ® applications. The applicati
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-8.Spring Boot Actuator监控 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-8.Spring Boot Actuator监控
1.简介1.1 概述 Spring Boot includes a number of additional features to help you monitor and manage your application when you
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-7.Spring Boot Email邮件发送 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-7.Spring Boot Email邮件发送
1.简介1.1 概述 The Spring Framework provides an easy abstraction for sending email by using the JavaMailSender interface, an
【从零开始学Spring Boot】-6.Spring Boot Banner自定义 【从零开始学Spring Boot】-6.Spring Boot Banner自定义
1.简介1.1 概述 The banner that is printed on start up can be changed by adding a banner.txt file to your classpath or by set
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